Monday, December 13, 2010

Appropedia, awesome wiki site that I just stumbled across.

Hello again!

Today I'm actually using my down time in a positive way by posting. While browsing my rss feeds on Google Reader I came across a link to this website; Appropedia.

Appropedia is a knowledge sharing wiki site based around sustainable living, which is right up my alley! Within five minutes of link clicking I was able to find information about a range of things from induction heating to composting. They have a lot of pages that are even loosely based around moral and philosophic questions, i.e. small houses, and the use of barbed wire.

That is all on this post but I strongly suggest you browse for a little while on this site and see what you come up with. Find something cool? Why not post a link in the comments" section and share with my readers and I?

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