Friday, February 18, 2011

War on Guns Declared in New York.

Well the downstate, gun haters, at it again. Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice launched a ten month probe, looking into the counties gun stores. The goal of this probe was to expose gun shop owners who had been temporarily modifying weapons in violation of the state's assault weapons ban. The ban on assault weapons limits the number of "evil" features on a weapon, like the ability to accept high capacity magazines, flash hiders, or collapsible stocks. 

DA Rice's response to the results of this probe are appalling. Her disregard for the use of proper terminology, use of half truths, and misleading speech is going to cause trouble for gun owners state wide. Holding up a civilian legal AR-15 rifle, she refers to it as an assault weapon, which by definition it is not. 

"The nine men arrested today were openly breaking the law, making a practice of putting profits before the safety of our citizens, and flooding our streets with dangerous assault weapons," Rice said. "Make no mistake, these are combat-specific weapons and not intended for hunting. They have no place on our streets or in the hands of civilians."
DA Rice,  17Feb2011

I wonder what DA Rice would make of the millions of gun owners, nation wide, who use the SAME EXACT rifles that she is describing for things like the Civilian Marksmanship Program, 3 Gun Completions, Collections, Hunting, and Sport Shooting.

Undoubtedly her actions will lead to more senseless laws restricting our second amendment rights. My advice to my readers is to get out of New York while you can. Maybe state lawmakers will realize that their unconstitutional laws and insane taxes are driving people out of this state in droves. Buy up your weapons and ammunition while you can, and pray they don't try to take them. 

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